Corneal Disease

HomeCorneal Disease

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What is Corneal Disease?

Imagine that your eye is a camera – it captures images to send to your brain. The cornea is essentially the glass of that camera lens – the outermost layer of your eye. It provides the primary power of focus and gives your eye a clear window which light can pass through. This means that the cornea is vital to how your eyes function, as well as your overall vision quality.

A corneal disease can develop from a variety of reasons such as injury, infection, irritants, and genetic traits. Regardless of cause, type and severity, all corneal diseases may negatively interfere with your comfort, general eyesight, and daily activities.

Many diseases affecting the cornea can also cause distortion, clouding, scarring, and even blindness. This is why any corneal problems or injuries should be thoroughly evaluated by your eye care doctor right away.

Corneal Disease Symptoms

If you have any corneal damage or are suffering from a corneal disease, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Light sensitivity
  • Unusual eye pain
  • Foggy/blurry or limited vision
  • Redness
  • Headache
  • Inflammation
  • Burning
  • A foreign sensation in the eye
  • Itchiness

Why See a Cornea Specialist?

Dr. Jay Fiore is our in-house cornea specialist. As a cornea specialist who received additional extensive training regarding the cornea, he will work to ensure that you’ll receive the best care and treatment possible for your specific condition. His interests include the treatment and surgical care of the cornea and lens utilizing the latest techniques and technology.

Corneal Transplant Surgery

Corneal disease may be treated by removing the damaged cornea and replacing it with a clear, healthy one from a human donor. This option is recommended in cases where the cornea cannot be healed or repaired.  Apart from helping to restore your vision, a corneal transplant operation can help ease pain and other symptoms associated with corneal conditions.


Do You Need a Cornea Specialist?

If you’re concerned about corneal disease or are experiencing any symptoms, please call us to schedule an appointment. We have three convenient office locations in State College, Bellefonte, and Tyrone. We also serve the Huntingdon, Lewistown, and greater Centre County areas.